Warrah Services
Warrah Disability Services is part of a larger organisation – Warrah.
Warrah is a not-for-profit, community based organisation supporting individuals with a disability in a range of services and settings. We remain committed to the Vision of our founding families and to creating and connecting to community life.
Warrah consists of the following attributes:
- Registered provider with the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) as a Specialist School Kindergarten to Year 12
- Registered provider offering services and supports under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) which includes:
- Supported Independent Living
- Community Support Services
- Short Term Accommodation
- Support Coordination
- In-Home Support
- An approved Housing Provider for Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA)
- A certified Biodynamic Farm (since 1993) and Farm Shop (social enterprise)
Warrah Disability Services is accountable to the Warrah Board of Directors . The organisation is managed by an Executive Team.