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 Your Bequests/Gifts in Wills

Have you and your family considered providing a bequest or gift in your Will to Warrah?

By leaving a bequest or gift to Warrah, you will have a direct and significant impact on the lives of people with an intellectual disability.

Your gift will be your lasting legacy that will make a real difference in enriching the lives of the children and adults we support at Warrah. Your generosity will enable us to build and maintain our homes and many important facilities, and it will further enhance the services and opportunities we can offer our program participants and students.

The Warrah community is grateful for all gifts and donations we receive, regardless of the amount. They are much appreciated.

If you have decided to leave a gift in your Will for Warrah, please let us know so we can be in touch and ensure we have the details recorded accurately.

Options for Leaving a Bequest or Gift in your Will

In considering how you wish to distribute your estate, we understand that you will want to look after your loved ones first and respect that this is an important decision. We encourage you to discuss your ideas with your family and consider the options for leaving a gift or bequest in your Will.

If you are creating a Will or updating an existing one, Warrah Society recommends that you seek the advice of a qualified solicitor or legal professional to ensure your Will is valid and your wishes are expressed correctly. To find a suitable solicitor you can contact the Law Society.

What is the difference between a Bequest and a Gift?

Gifts are freely given with no conditions attached. Bequests may have conditions attached to them and may need special consideration by Warrah.

There are several gift options you can leave in your Will:

Residual gift – the remainder of your Estate after specific gifts have been disbursed to loved ones and expenses have been settled

A percentage – a flexible way to provide a percentage of the residue or the entire estate

Fixed amount – a specific amount of funds

An asset – this can include shares, real estate, or other items of value.

Suggested Wording for a Gift in Your Will

Once you have decided on the type of gift you would like to provide, your solicitor will need these details in order to include the correct wording in your Will. Some suggested wording for including a gift to Warrah is outlined below. You can ask your solicitor to insert the appropriate statement.

“I give free of all duties or taxes…

[Please insert here the appropriate statement from the six options below]

  1. the whole of my estate
  2. [insert number] percent of my estate
  3. the residue of my estate
  4. [insert number] percent of the residue of my estate
  5. the sum of $ [insert value of your gift]
  6. [insert number] of my [insert name of shares] or specific property

…to Warrah Society (ABN 95 572 025 945) of 20 Harris Road, Dural NSW 2158 for its general purposes. The official receipt of the organisation shall be a full and sufficient discharge to my executor.”

Other Legacy Gifting Responsibilities 

There are also other ways you may wish to support Warrah in perpetuity such as through making provisions in Trusts, Foundations and Endowment Funds in which income is distributed annually to a beneficiary organisation such as Warrah. We recommend you discuss these possibilities with the relevant trustees for those funds with your solicitor.

Warrah will always respect your privacy and understand that your Will is personal to you. Warrah will also manage your gift with integrity, respect and gratitude, ensuring it is used for the greatest good.

Next Steps

Your Will is an important legal document and needs to accurately reflect your final wishes. We recommend you consult with a qualified solicitor or legal representative who is experienced in Wills. 

If you already have a Will, it is possible to make changes with your qualified legal representative, in the form of a Codicil, which amends the terms of the Will to reflect your intentions to include a gift or bequest to Warrah Society.

If you intend to include Warrah Society in your Will, please let your loved ones and executors know about your intentions, so they are aware of your decision to leave a gift or bequest that will enrich the lives of people with disability far beyond your lifetime.

Contact Us

If you would like further information or have any questions please contact Petricia Augustus, Community Engagement and Marketing Manager, on 9651 2411 or paugustus@warrah.org.au

Alternatively, we invite you to complete the form below so we can contact you. Your details will be managed confidentially and in compliance with Privacy Laws in Australia.

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