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Warrah’s Services and Supports

Accommodation Needs and Community Supports

Specialist School for Kindergarten to Year 12 students

Certified Farm and Farm Shop

For over fifty years Warrah has been fostering a vibrant and connected community, enriching the lives of each individual. We are an NDIS registered provider supporting you to explore opportunities, learn new skills, build social connections and reach your goals.

News & Events

Exploring Steiner Education

Exploring Steiner Education

Recently, Anna Wetzel, Principal of Warrah Specialist School, joined a group of Australian Steiner educators on an international study tour through Germany, Switzerland, and Thailand. The trip focused on exploring the origins and modern applications of Steiner...

Warrah’s Partnership with TAFE NSW

Warrah’s Partnership with TAFE NSW

Since 2019, Warrah’s partnership with TAFE NSW has given our participants so many great opportunities to learn, grow, and build new skills. From hands-on horticulture projects to construction work and certificate programs, this collaboration has had a real impact on...

Warrah Seeks Community Support for Sustainable Livestock Project

Warrah Seeks Community Support for Sustainable Livestock Project

Warrah is collaborating with Mr. Julian Leeser MP, Federal Member for Berowra, to secure Commonwealth Government funding for a sustainable livestock management initiative aimed at enhancing our environmental resilience. This project will expand Warrah's existing farm...

“Jenni has experienced the love, care and devotion of Warrah staff for almost 40 years, and has made life-long friends with her peers. Warrah provides a space where Jenni belongs and where she can be herself.”

 – Marcelle and Ross, parents of Jenni

“Warrah is just the perfect place for us, knowing that our daughter is in a home where she is loved and respected as an individual. Her strengths and talents are nurtured.”

 – Jane, parent of Emily

“Joanne and Lynda were two of the first to be accepted into Warrah and are now lucky to be living in a new purpose built home, called Jacaranda.”

 – Joan and Bob, parents of Joanne and Lynda

“Our brother Kevin has lived and called Warrah home for over 50 years. Our family is very grateful that he enjoys a very happy, caring and fulfilling environment. He is very much a part of the Warrah Community.”

 – Beverley, sister of Kevin

“Warrah provides my daughter with a warm, reliable and happy home.”

– Judy, parent of Karen

“John Paul’s life has been enriched by Warrah and the Steiner principles. The care and love he receives from the staff gives us great reassurance for which we are grateful. This has maximised both his quality of life and his independence.”

– Margaret and John, parents of John Paul