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Christmas Appeal 2022

Nicholas loves exploring the outdoors and visiting the chickens at the farm, but with the limited all-weather shelters at Warrah, he often has to return home to escape the elements.

Your donation can help change that!

Please donate this Christmas to fast-track the building of all-weather areas at Warrah.

Thank you for your truly generous support.

With the erratic weather predicted during summer, it is difficult for Nicholas and his fellow participants to enjoy the outdoors which they love so much. They desire to be outside under shelter enjoying the fresh air and connecting with nature.

Nicholas has lived at Warrah for 28 years and particularly likes his daily walk to the farm to visit the chickens. He gets to feed them and help to collect the eggs. The only problem is that there is no sheltered area for Nicholas to sit and be protected from the elements.

Anna Wetzel, Principal of the Warrah Specialist School has expressed very similar concerns. They are in desperate need of an undercover area outside of the Early Primary class that can be used all year round.

Anna said “The area outside of the Early Primary class is currently unused. With shelter, it will create an extension of the classroom and provide students with greater opportunities to connect with nature in a safe and controlled environment”.

The physiological and emotional benefits of nature immersion for our participants and students are endless. It has a very positive impact on self-regulation and well-being.

New outdoor all-weather structures will ensure Warrah participants can sit and relax out of the heat of the sun, and students at the school can use an outdoor craft area, protected from the elements and still able to connect with nature.

By making a tax-deductible donation you will be making a significant difference. A difference to the lives of Warrah participants and students. Your donation will help establish all-weather areas to be enjoyed by the entire Warrah community.